Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Imaginative Piece 2

"To Belong is to be Happy"

20th May 1948 

Today was one weird day. It was mixed with excitement, fun and for some reason ended with some fighting. 
This morning I woke up, just as normal, but was excited to see and take Jane Gallagher out. Considering I was going to be going on a date, I thought I might need to ‘tidy’ myself up a bit. So I went to go have a shave, down in the bathrooms. I must say before I continue is that I was surprised I didn’t cut myself this time. So I had a shave, and was fixing up my hair, and the weird thing was while I was doing that entire time guess who was just standing next to me, my room mate Holden. Personally I have nothing wrong with the kid, but sometimes he can really be a weird kid, he doesn’t have many friends so he isn’t usually happy, although he does some great English compositions, so I try to ignore the fact he is a bit of a loser. Anyway back to the story so he was just sitting on the bench beside me and was constantly talking about Jane, and how he spent a summer with her. I think he may like her, because every time he talked about her his face was the most happy I have ever seen it. That’s usually what happens to boys when they like girls. So I told him basically that I didn’t care because I didn’t want to hear about how the girl I’m trying to get in with has her own little stalker, which happens to be my room mate! Anyway I got him to do my English composition while I was out, because frankly I really could not have been bothered writing one, plus I will get a much better score if Holden writes it. 

So I went out with Jane, and she is really nice. I got to kiss her which I was kind of surprised about, because I thought she would be a bit more reserved. But I’m not going to lie, I kind of like this one. Holden was right, she is nice and I can see why he likes her. But me, Stradlater will never be held down by one girl in college. 

Anyway so as I got back to my room, there was Holden. He must have been in the room the whole time I was out doing my essay for me, and for the time that I was out, the English composition was terrible! He was blabbering on about how some kid wrote something on his baseball mitt? I mean seriously? I think Holden just wants me to sound gay. And to top it off he was constantly bugging me trying to be information out about my date with Jane. It was just lame. I could see he was getting annoyed with no answer so he shoved me a bit. Now usually I would not snap like this so quick but because he also wrote a horrible composition I just went crazy! I punched him in the face and he started to bleed from the nose. But usually I am always happy, and I think that’s because I really belong to Pencey. I have friends and are quiet popular. That’s probably Holden’s biggest problem, he doesn’t belong anywhere, and that must be the reason why he is never happy. But anyway I do not feel guilty about it, it might get him to learn some manners about how to behave and act around me.

Stradlater out.

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